"Some people call it the happiest journey"          Production process in 2021 Autumn

Working at Syuuseidou 11th September, 2021  工房ひでまさ(秀正堂)にて
Working at Syuuseidou 11th September, 2021 工房ひでまさ(秀正堂)にて

I made an art work of about 6m for the exhibition at Uchiyama House from October 27th to November 8th, 2021.


In the exhibition room, it was displayed like a hanging scroll. But since it was very long it also partially rested on the tatami mat as if it was being dragged.


Uchiyama House is a National Registered Tangible Cultural Property and a historic house. My exhibition room was the Shoin. It resembles the room in my family house where a family Buddhist altar is placed and reminds me of the old values of the countryside. Specifically about the old view of marriage; women would get married in their late 20s and prioritize their family more than anything else. So, I decided to paint about that and my trauma.


The title is "Some people call it the happiest journey".  "It" means the old thinking of marriage. The motifs of the work are Shiromuku, legs, a falling cat, and a traditional old toy. Shiromuku is a traditional white kimono worn at Japanese wedding ceremonies, and the toy symbolizes the old times. I drew a reversed Shiromuku. The usual way to wear one is with the left side collar under the right one. The reversed wearing is used only for funerals. That is a comparison of "Happiness" and "Unhappiness". And the legs represent the sight of my trauma, and the falling cat represents myself in the darkness. The legs were a strong memory of my trauma when I was betrayed by someone I trusted. I remember the shock. Even though I was desperately resisting, my legs' posing seemed to hold the person. Its flashbacks still come to me every morning.


I engraved on the work that the definition of happiness is not determined by others or trends, but by myself, and that I am the only one who protects me.


2021年10月27日~11月8日にかけて富山県民会館分館 豪農の館 内山邸にて開催される「豪農の館 内山邸 現代アートとの出会い展Ⅳ-未来を担うーのために約6mの作品を制作しました。



作品は『Some people call it the happiest journey』。「それを一番の幸せと呼ぶ人がいる」と名付けました。「それ」とは適齢期とされるときに異性と結ばれ家庭に入ることを意味しています。作品モチーフは白無垢、脚、落下する猫、三方巻鳥です。白無垢は花嫁衣裳、三方巻鳥は時代を象徴します。ちなみに白無垢は逆合わせにしました。「幸」と「不幸」の対比です。そして脚はトラウマの光景、落下する猫は目の前が真っ暗になった私自身を表しています。トラウマについて、信頼していた人に裏切られた際の強い記憶が自分の脚でした。必死に抵抗していた自分の脚が相手を抱え込むようなのポージングになっていて強いショックを受けたことを覚えています。フラッシュバックは現在も毎朝訪れます。


written in October 2021

『Some people call it the happiest journey』(2021) acrylic, watercolor, gouache, pencil on Japanese paper 576×110cm
『Some people call it the happiest journey』(2021) acrylic, watercolor, gouache, pencil on Japanese paper 576×110cm

【The exhibition at Uchiyama House】